Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lemonade Pie FAIL

I'm posting this so next time I try to make this particular pie, I won't make the same mistake twice.

Lemonade pie is delicious. Tart, sweet, cold. So good....especially in this Texas heat. I followed my mom's recipe and was super pumped for my family to try it. I did everything right (it's not very difficult to make), but to my horror my pie didn't solidify very much. In the words my little brother used, "thanks for the pudding, Tara." See what I'm working with here? Rude people.

Fortunately, I have discovered the root of my pie problem. I was asking my mom what I could have possibly done wrong, and she asked how much frozen lemonade I used. The recipe card said, "one small can of lemonade" but as far as I knew, frozen lemonade only comes in one size. She told me that in the "olden days" (like the 90's..HAHA) lemonade also came in half sizes. So instead of using a regular sized can of lemonade, I should've only added half. It was a relief that technically it wasn't my fault. Ignorance is bliss.'s my lemonade "pudding"...

                                                                        Exhibit A


It was delicious though. I will give myself that. If you decide that you want to make it the proper way here is what you will need:

- HALF a regular sized can of pink lemonade
- 1 can sweetened and condensed milk (14 oz)
- 1 medium container of cool-whip
- 1 graham cracker crust
Let your lemonade defrost and mix everything together with a hand mixer. Pour into your pie crust and let it refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Hope yours turns out better than mine! :)

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